Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pigs Shall Fly

Here's a quick little update to bring this up to speed.

I miscarried in November.  Devastating, but not the end of the world.  A month later I got pregnant again.  We decided to wait until we knew everything was good before announcing.  Finally out of the pregnancy closet and just recently had my second ultrasound.  During that we found out the sex of our new addition.

It's a Girl!

This seems impossible, so we are ecstatic.  At least as long as a penis doesn't pop up sometime in the next few months. LOL

I feel it's necessary to explain about why this seems impossible.  My husband is one of two boys.  My husband's brother has four sons.  My husband and I have two sons.  Do you see the pattern here?

Now my family has a little more variation.  I have two older brothers.  The oldest one has five children, two girls and three boys.  The middle brother has one daughter.  So there's a little more of a mix.

When we found out that #3 was a she, I tried not to get overly excited.  However after my oldest son called and told Daddy and Grandma, Grandma went crazy calling everyone.  My original plan was to wait and announce on Facebook that evening.  No such luck.  I was forced to announce early due to a very excited grandma.

We are planning on having a 3-d ultrasound done this summer to verify that it's still a girl.  Until then I'll keep all the tags attached.  :)

And some might be wondering how the boys are taking it.  Carter said he wanted another brother, but he really could have gone either way.  Donovan doesn't really realize what's going on.  I've told him that there's a baby in mommy's tummy.  I'm glad it's a girl though so Donovan can remain the baby boy.

So now it's official.  Pigs can start flying because there will be a girl.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2.5 Children

This has been a hard entry.  Not because of it being such a personal issue.  It's really because I'm  wondering, "Does anyone really want to read about it?"  I have no problem sharing this.  Will people have a problem with me "over sharing"?  Is it TMI?

Here is your warning.  If you are uncomfortable with people sharing too much personal information, don't read on.

On October 12, I found out I was pregnant.  After 6 pregnancy tests, we were pretty sure and had it confirmed by the doctors' office.  Since I'd had two normal pregnancies in the past, we felt comfortable enough to share the news.

I'd had bouts of nausea, tiredness, and raging hormones.  Heck I'd even had a craving for bacon.  We'd shared the news with family, friends, and our oldest boy.  I'd started digging out maternity clothes, talking about baby names, and figuring out where to put the new addition.

Suddenly on Saturday November 2, 2013 I started cramping. Nothing too strong, just a little discomfort. I shrugged it off as normal pregnancy pains and went to bed.

Sunday November 3, 2013 minor cramping again. I went to the restroom and discovered I was bleeding, not spotting but bleeding. As I'm freaking out I try to call someone, anyone. Finally I reach my mother in law. Next I'm trying to reach my doctor. No luck there. I decide since the pain is persisting to go to the emergency room.

After several hours, two ultrasounds, and some blood work it was decided that there was no fetus. What?!

The doctor explained that the egg and sperm met, however nothing developed.  All that showed was the gestational sack.  It was nothing I did wrong.  Just something did not click.  Theory is that there was a defect and it would not progress.

I was heartbroken.  After three weeks of planning and excitement, it was a huge letdown.  Three weeks that we can't get back.  Three weeks wasted.  Let me take this moment to say, we wanted this baby.  I'd been waiting for this baby for months.  I'd been expecting it for months.  This was no "oops." 

My mom had my boys while I was at the hospital.  I left the er devastated.  I arrived home and spent a couple hours crying and sleeping.  (Isn't that how you get through bad news?)

I was instructed to call my doctor Monday, which I did.  I went in for an appointment that day.  I unfortunately was given false hope that there may still be a baby.  I'm set up with an appointment for lab work later in the week.

I spent the majority of the next two days on the couch with my feet up.  Still holding out hope that my baby is just a late bloomer or my dates were off.  The day before my lab work, I had to go to town for groceries.  I returned home with extremely painful cramps and heavy bleeding.  This was it.  If I hadn't lost the baby yet, I would today.

I had lab work the next day.  From there it was just a waiting game.  I didn't receive any news on the results until the next day.  I knew though, that after five days of bleeding, it wouldn't be good.   My hormone levels had dropped considerably.  The doctor said that with the cramps, bleeding and dropped levels I was no longer pregnant.  There was no need for a follow up.

So what happened?  Why, after two perfectly healthy pregnancies, did this one go wrong?  There is no explanation.  This condition is called a blighted ovum.  There was a fertilized egg.  It did implant in my uterus.  It did not turn into an embryo.  According to webmd, this is causes about half of the miscarriages in the first trimester of pregnancy.

I guess you could call this my closure.  I know what happened, I'm adjusting and moving on.  I know in the end it could have been much more worse.  There could have been a baby.  I could have been further along.  I could have heard a heartbeat and seen a picture.  But I have to look at what I have.  I have two healthy boys.  I have a wonderful husband.  I still have my health and I can still have another baby.

Thank you so much to everyone for their thoughts and prayers.  Every one's love means so much to me.


Friday, August 3, 2012


So very recently we had a major change in our household.  Since we've been a single income family and are wanting to eventually get a larger house, we needed more income.  The solution is obviously more money.  However there aren't any options around here.  Casey had pretty much reached the top of the pay scale at his employment and.  So after careful deliberation we decided on a change.

Casey has officially changed jobs and is now driving a truck over the road.  He'll be gone during the week, two weeks at the longest, but usually just one.  That means I'm home all week with the boys.  I think I can handle it, especially once school starts back up.  Casey being gone will be rough but we have a great relationship and I know it will only make us stronger. :)

This makes me think about some of the obstacles that we may have to overcome.  There are some things that we've had to address with Casey on the truck and then there are issues with me at home by myself.  Then there is the time we're all together on the weekends.

Obviously with me and the boys at home during the week, I'm like a single parent.  I do the regular stay at home mom stuff; clean, cooking, etc.; but also all the disciplining and child rearing.  I won't have the threat of "Just wait until your dad gets home."  A week is too long of a wait for Dad to have to handle it.  I'm also taking over all the finances.  Meals aren't bad because I cook the same amount and save leftovers for lunch the next day.

There's also the issue of adult time for Mommy.  If you've been a stay at home mom you know that it can be tiring to be with children constantly.  Sometimes you just have to have a conversation without someone interrupting about a toy they saw on tv. This will take some planning to remedy.  I think it will get better once school starts and Carter is gone during the day.

With Casey on the truck, we've been looking at what he needs to be comfortable and how he can save money.  Before he left we packed him lots of snacks, plus bread and peanut butter.  (We are a peanut butter family and can eat it everyday of the week. lol.)  We'll know more about what he wants and needs after he's been out for a while.

Then we've got a transition of weekend time.  There will be no set time when Casey will get home.  It could be Friday or it could be Saturday.  Then there's no set time when he'll have to head back out.  We'll have to play that by ear.  When he is back though we want to enjoy the time we have.  I'm hoping to explore all the things we do to make sure our weekends fun filled and easy.  lol.

I am really excited about the new adventure our family is on.  I know there will be challenges, but I know it will make us stronger and closer.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Stress? What Stress?

So since my last post, I've become a mother to not one boy but two boys.  Carter is now five and will start kindergarten in the fall.  Mr. Donovan was born May 10 and is almost 11 weeks.  I wasn't sure how I was going to handle two children, but it's going.  Sometimes Carter has to wait longer for me to get him something, or better yet, he has to be more independent and do it himself.  Donovan sometimes just has to cry while I'm doing something.  There are some days that I don't get a shower or even get my teeth brushed, but I love being home with my boys.  Although I am ready for school to start.  lol

Now to back track a little bit.  Donovan's arrival was a scheduled c-section.  Everything went great.  He measured at 8lbs 11oz and 23 in.  The only surprise was that he had the cord wrapped around his neck, but all was fine with him.  Carter was excited to be a big brother and still loves it.  He constantly wants to hold little bubby and help.  Sometimes he helps a little too much.  Donovan was jaundice as we had expected. (Carter was a week late and jaundice.)

I've been successfully exclusively breastfeeding, and it's going great.  At Donovan's two month check up, he'd gained 6 lbs, bringing him up to 14 lbs.  I've had a lot better luck nursing this time around and plan on doing it as long as I'm able.

We've also been cloth diapering Mr. Donovan.  I use cloth during the day and disposables at night.  He usually has a fussy period before bed and I have to change diapers every 30 minutes or so.  Slightly irritating, but it's getting better.  I'm also looking at putting up a clothes line since I'm cloth diapering.  It just seems to make sense to me.

I've also been trying to wear Donovan.  I've made a sling that I wear him in on occasion. I'm not crazy about the sling but it works in a pinch and doesn't take much room to pack.  My favorite carrier is a Pognea that I actually won on a blog giveaway.  It's comfy and is super easy to get him in and out.

The last couple months have been going really well.  I'm grateful for all the help I've had.  My mom and mother-in-law have been great with assisting me when I go to the store or out of town.  Nana has spent extra time with Carter, inviting him over to spend the night a little more often.  Grandma has let Carter come down to play with the little boy she babysits.  Grandpa has even let Carter help him work. (If it's not too hot anyways.)  Honestly I'm just so happy to have such a great support system.  I don't know if I would still have my sanity if it weren't for them.  I've also had some great cloth diapering support from Bum Covered Diapers. 

Now it's time to get back to mommy business.  ;)

Friday, March 2, 2012

Over Hump One

I'm so excited!  I've had this list swirling around in my head of things that needed accomplished before Donovan gets here.  It has just seemed so daunting I haven't really had the motivation to attempt to tackle them.  Thankfully Casey decided it was time. 

Together we cleaned out our tiny bedroom and closet.  Casey then put trim up around windows and painted it.  I washed our curtains.  We rearranged the furniture and hung a curtain in the doorway to our closet.  I have to say I love the layout.  We have room for Donovan's crib.  However I'm not sure where to put his clothes, diapers, etc.  I maybe cleaning out a couple drawers in my dresser for him.  lol

So this was a huge undertaking.  We started Wednesday night and finished Thursday night.  Of course, though, I'm not moving quite as quickly as I had been prior to pregnancy.  Poor Casey had to deal with my slow pokeyness.

We also got caught up on dishes.  That right there is a never ending project.  Totally dislike dishes.  Now I have to get caught up on laundry.  Dislike again.  :(

So my to do list is still haunting me, but I feel so much better about getting things accomplished.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Home Stretch

So of course, pregnancy can be stressful.  Add in an almost 5 year old, a house that's under 1000 sq. ft., and going from two incomes to one there's added stress.  Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant.  I just keep thinking of all the things I have to do.  Ugh.  And I almost lose it.

Let's start with the house.  We live in a super small 2 bed, 1 bath house.  We have one closet in the house, my bedroom.  Carter's room has a wardrobe, but it doesn't have much storage.  If I try to hang all of his shirts in it they are usually crammed.  Maybe I should get rid of some of them.  My closet not only houses my clothes, but also bedding, musical instruments, totes of hair styling equipment, board games, puzzles, Barbies in original boxes, my wedding dress, etc.  It is packed full. 

We fixed up our house after we got married and it is still lacking in a couple of areas.  There is no trim.  We have the original windows.  The drywall is cracking.  (We did all new drywall before we moved in.)  The tile we put in the bathroom is cracked, grout chipping.

Carter is excited for a baby brother, insisting Donovan is sleeping with him and he'll change diapers.  Sometimes though, Carter gets to be a little much.  I've been really tired and obviously Carter doesn't understand.  Not working, I'm trying to cook more (every night).  Carter is a little too helpful.  I'm the person that fights with Carter in the morning to get ready for school.  I'm the person that fights with Carter after school when he wants to eat everything in the house.  I'm also the person that gives Carter his bath and gets him in bed.  Please understand, I love Carter and taking care of him.  Just sometimes I get stressed and need to relax.  Thankfully Casey steps in and helps out before I go nuts.  lol

Other things to accomplish in the next 3 months include cleaning, getting caught up on laundry, new floor in bathroom, rearrange bedroom, and paint Carter's bedroom.  We are also planning on planting a large garden this year.  I'm planning on cloth diapering and only have 3 diapers so far.  I've planned on making some diapers but haven't even gotten the fabric.   

Sorry for the vent session.  Maybe I can get everything done.  I just have to keep reminding myself to breath.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crunchy Mama

I blame my friend Melissa.  She has an addiction to cloth diapers.  Well she sells them, so it's understandable.  I've seen the cute fluffy bottoms and thought "I could do that."  So I decided with my next child to cloth diaper.  Have you seen these things?  They are so adorable and they're machine washable.  I think my husband thinks I'm nuts.

With my first baby, I attempted to make some baby food.  It worked pretty well, but I didn't keep it up.  I've decided to make baby food for the new baby.  I'll be a little more organized this time around and keep an ample supply in the freezer.

I've thought about how I'm going to handle a new baby and a five year old.  Seriously my son has more energy than the Energizer Bunny.  The simplest thing I can think of is baby wearing.  It will be easier to chase after little man with a baby strapped to me.  Plus it'll save room in the shopping cart at the grocery store.

Then there is the entire breastfeeding issue.  I had attempted with Carter, but wasn't very successful.  A nurse at the hospital had started me on the wrong foot.  I lost all patience with nursing and transitioned to pumping and finally formula.  I am determined this time though to successfully nurse for at least a full year.  I've learned from the mistakes of last time and am going in with a game plan.

What does all this mean?  I believe this means I'm going crunchy.  I will be a cloth diapering, baby food making, baby wearing, breastfeeding mama.  I'm excited about the new journey and hope that I can be successful with all aspects.

Ha!  And I didn't even mention the huge garden my husband is planning on us planting.  lol